Driving home today after running a lot of errands, I was trying to think about what to post next - now that I've finally broken the infinite loop error message that Google & Blogger were sending that prevented me from logging in to post anything new :( - in this case "cookies" are not your friend, contrary to what Cookie-Monster tells you!
Since I have not been to Columbia - the closest derivation of Columbus I could find, I'll have to entertain you all some other way.

So have you ever been to a country that has the most unique fauna (well, actually insects and reptiles and ...) that you begin to wonder WHY? Madagascar is such a place. Where else can you find lemurs (no where - except maybe zoos - which is where I saw my first Ring Tailed Lemur - actually a whole troop of them). They were all sitting in a Zen-like yoga position facing the sun - what a riot! I couldn't stop laughing but I had to because I was photographing them and needed some sharp photos! They literally were sitting in a yoga position with their hands on their "knees" worshiping the sun! Do they have something to teach us? Have you read "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert? If not, check it out! But I digress...
So what does this red bug look like to you? He is ladybug size but has a realllllyyy long neck. So he's called a giraffe beetle. Any ideas why he has a long neck? His mate, has a longer neck than a typical ladybug but not this long. I'm anxious to hear your stories, theories, facts.
And of course, I can't leave you without a photo of a ring-tailed lemur can I?

I need your inputs to provide new info!
Happy Discoveries!
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